Saturday, April 20, 2013 vs

What you get at
If you want to find CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) on the Internet, you dial in gets you the website on the left. Obviously, this isn't CBC. My guess is, CBC wishes they had nailed down the .com domain so this couldn't happen.

So, maybe CBC is okay with this, but Linda Reid a B.C. Liberal candidate couldn't have been too happy with how things went for her recently. I read about it on CBC website news.

Her campaign website was setup on Her website and Facebook page inadvertently indicated her website was What you found at the domain was a porn site.

So it made the CBC news and created quite a stir. The Linda Reid website, was quickly replaced with Is this sounding like a lot of fun?

There is a lesson in all of this. Pick a domain name where you can nail down the obvious variants like .com and .ca (maybe .net), and register both. It costs less than $25 a year and helps to avoid what happened to Linda Reid. With an election campaign in full swing, this is the last thing you need to be sorting out.

Back to CBC. I'm left wondering if in hindsight they should have registered both .ca and .com?

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